Prof. Mat Santamouris
University New South Wales, AustraliaFighting the Regional Climate Change- Development of Advanced Heat Mitigation Technologies
Overheating of the Built Environment is the most documented phenomenon of climate change impacting the human life in many ways. This lecture will present the most recent developments on the magnitude and the characteristics of the urban overheating and the potential synergies with the global climatic change. It will analyse the latest qualitative and quantitative data on the impact of higher urban temperatures on the building’s energy supply and demand, heat related mortality, morbidity and wellbeing, human productivity, survivability of low-income population and environmental quality of cities. It will present and describe the state of the art on the development of innovative mitigation materials, advanced urban greenery, heat dissipation and evaporative techniques, as the main mitigation and adaptation technologies to offset the impact of urban overheating. It will analyse and present the current knowledge on the impact of each mitigation technology on energy, health, environmental quality, urban economy and survivability. Finally, it will present the main future challenges related to urban overheating and proposes a specific research agenda to alleviate and counterbalance its impact on human life.

M. Santamouris is a Scientia, Distinguished, Professor of High Performance Architecture at UNSW, and past Professor in the University of Athens, Greece. Visiting Professor : Cyprus Institute, Metropolitan University London, Tokyo Polytechnic University, Bolzano University, Brunnel University, Seoul University National University of Singapore, and UITM Univ Malaysia. Past President of the National Center of Renewable and Energy Savings of Greece. Editor in Chief of the Energy and Buildings Journal, Past Editor in Chief of the Advances Building Energy Research, Associate Editor of the Solar Energy Journal, E- Prime, Journal of Low Carbon and Sustainable Energy, and Member of the Editorial Board of 24 Journals. Editor of the Series of Book on Buildings, published by Earthscan Science Publishers. Editor and author of 20 international books published by Elsevier, Earthscan, Springer, etc. Author of 412 scientific articles published in journals. Reviewer of research projects in 29 countries including USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Sweden, etc. Ranked as the top world cited researcher in the field of Building and Construction by the Stanford University ranking system, for 2019-2022. Highly Cited Researcher in the Clarivate ranking for 4 continuous years. Ranked as no 538 researcher in the world in all scientific disciplines in the list prepared by Stanford University in 2021.
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